Exhilarating Cliff Jumping at The Caves in Negril, Jamaica
Things to Do In Jamaica

Jamaica Cliff Jumping

While cliff jumping can be dangerous, it is a fun activity that anyone can participate in without any equipment or cost. Whether on vacation or at your local lake, cliff jumping is a recreational sport that has been practiced for centuries. There are many safety precautions one should take before jumping from any significant height into a pool of water, such as knowing how deep the water is and to never jump alone.

Sitting atop honeycomb cliffs thrown up from the ocean depths due to volcanic activity, the Caves, located in Negril, is the perfect spot for cliff diving. The cliff walls of this Jamaican resort not only serve as a veritable museum of ancient fossilized marine life, but also as a cliff diving site. When visiting Jamaica, make sure to go cliff diving and stay at The Caves, it is an experience of pure relaxation, comfort and rejuvenation.